Mengingat iklim di negara kita adalah tropika
ekuatorial dengan hujan yang banyak, maka
penghancuran batuan yang paling banyak terjadi adalah
pelapukan ...
A. mekanik
Di Nusa Tenggara Timur dengan suhu udara yang
tinggi dan curah hujan yang rendah mengakibatkan
timbulnya panorama ...
D. savana
Pada daerah yang mengalami pengangkatan (uplift) dan
berbentuk kubah (dome) terdapat pola aliran sungai ...
A. radial
Landasan pacu Bandara Adisucipto yang panjangnya 3
km tergambar dalam peta sepanjang 15 cm. Skala peta
tersebut adalah ...
B. 1 : 20.000
Dengan memperhatikan kedudukan Indonesia yang
terletak antara Benua Asia dan Australia, maka lautlaut
di Indonesia termasuk laut ...
B. pertengahan
Gempa bumi yang terjadi di Aceh pada akhir
Desember 2004 disebut gempa ...
E. tektonik
Pengaruh pergerakan interaksi kota bukan ditimbulkan
oleh faktor ...
C. informasi
Menurut Junghuhn, wilayah yang terletak pada ketinggian
800 meter di atas permukaan laut termasuk
wilayah iklim ...
C. sedang
Angin di belahan bumi Utara mengalami pembiasan ke
kanan dan mengalami pembiasan ke kiri di belahan
bumi Selatan. Hukum ini dikemukakan oleh ...
C. Buys Ballot
Angka rasio ketergantungan (dependency ratio)
penduduk Indonesia, dapat dihitung dari ...(D)
(1) survei
(2) sensus penduduk
(3) kantor tenaga kerja
(4) piramida penduduk
Gambar piramida penduduk suatu negara, dapat
memberikan keterangan tentang ...(D)
(1) jumlah kelahiran dari dasar piramida
(2) harapan hidup waktu lahir dari tinggi piramida
(3) jumlah kematian dari kemiringan piramida
(4) jumlah penduduk dari bentuk piramida
Di daerah pasang-surut di pantai laut biasanya terbentuk
tanah ...
(1) gambut
(2) andosol
(3) regosol (pasir)(B)
(4) litosol (berbatu)
Pulau-pulau besar di Jepang di antaranya adalah ...(A)
(1) Hokkaido
(2) Honshu
(3) Shikoku
(4) Guam
Garis khayal yang membatasi fauna jenis asiatis
dengan fauna peralihan disebut garis Weber.
Garis khayal Weber membatasi persebaran anoa,
komodo, dan babi rusa yang merupakan fauna asli
Adanya pengaruh kebijakan Glasnost dan Perestroika
dan Gorbachev di Eropa Timur ditandai oleh ...
E. dilaksanakannya kebebasan dan keterbukaan untuk
menciptakan kehidupan demokrasi
Dalam sengketa Indonesia - Belanda, Australia mewakili
Indonesia dalam komisi Tiga Negara karena …
B. Australia mempunyai hubungan baik sebelum
kemerdekaan RI
Panitia Persiapan Kemerdekaan Indonesia dibentuk
dengan tujuan mengesahkan ...
B. UUD1945
Perjuangan bangsa Indonesia untuk merdeka yang
dipelopori golongan tua dan golongan muda, perlu
dicontoh generasi sekarang ini, yaitu ...
D. rela berkorban untuk tanah air
Di bidang kedokteran pada awal tahun 1970-an mulai
dikenal cangkok jantung yang dirintis oleh seorang
dokter, yaitu ...
D. Christian Barnard
Revolusi Francis tahun 1789 sangat menonjol di antara
revolusi-revolusi yang telah terjadi lebih dahulu di
dunia Barat, karena ...
A. mencanangkan liberalisasi perdagangan
Pembangunan pada masa pemerintahan Meiji di Jepang
bertujuan untuk ...
D. mengejar ketinggalan di berbagai bidang .
Text I
Motion sickness comes in many forms, not just
seasickness. Ninety percent of the human race is
susceptible to motion sickness of one kind or another.
Some people become sick when they sit in the backseat
of a car; others cannot read or look at a map in any
kind of moving vehicle. People get motion sickness on
airplanes, motorcycles, amusement park rides, and
even on camels! Scientists have learned that motion
sickness occurs when the brain is trying to make sense
of a situation and there are too many conflicting
messages. While the eyes are sending one message, the
ears are trying to send a message about balance. The
skin and bone joints, sensitive to air pressure send
another message.
Many people who have experienced violent
motion sickness try to avoid travel. But that is not
always possible. So travelers should employ some
well-known strategies to avoid getting sick. The most
useful strategy concerns food: eat a light meal before
traveling and bring along a packet of plain soda
crackers to snack on regularly. Avoid alcoholic and
carbonated beverages, high-fat foods, and spices. Care
in choosing the location of your seat is another
important strategy. In a car, sit at the front and keep
your eyes fixed on the horizon.
People who still got sick after trying these
strategies can try medical help. Some rely on over-the
counter medications, although some of them can make
you sleepy. Others use simple ginger capsules to settle
their stomach. A large number of travelers use pressure
bands on their wrists. It is not clear how these bands
work, but they do prevent motion sickness.
1. a suitable title for the text is __.
A. Motion Sickness
2. a person gets motion sickness because of ___.
D. the conflicting messages received by the brain
3.Victims of motion sickness can reduce the chance of
becoming sick by doing the following, except
D. taking the back-seat in a car
4.From the text we may conclude that ___.
A. basically everyone tends to get sick when they are
5.The meaning of 'over-the-counter medication' is
medicine bought ___.
E. without prescription
Text II
In the process of trying to discover the various
causes of such accidents, an investigator considers
factors related to the time of day. He collects
information on the number of accidents occurring
during the various working hours of the day, and by
using statistical methods he is able to show that the
accident rate increases during the morning and also
during the afternoon. Further statistical studies then
reveal some of the major contributing factors involved
in these accidents.
6.Which of the following would best began the paragraph
A. So far there has not been enough information about
people having accidents at a work site,
7.The topic of the above paragraph is ___.
A. the investigation of causes of accidents
Text III
Traditional nineteenth-century education is
usually associated with the image of a stern teacher
standing in front of a blackboard in a one-room
schoolhouse, teaching only the three R's of reading,
writing, and arithmetic, and demanding rote
(mechanical repetition) learning in an atmosphere of
silence and restraint. Accurate or not, that image
conflicts sharply with the modern reality. Today, the
typical public school offers students a diversity of
subject areas, a plethora of educational materials, and a
variety of activities from creative dramatics to
journalism. The modern school complex contains an
array of educational facilities. Within the classroom
setting, students are encouraged to speak up and engage
in guided discussion. In fact, articulate speech and
debate are desirable skills. Children are encouraged to
interrelate on class projects that are independent of the
8.The topic of the text is __.
D. the difference between traditional and modern
9.Which of the following would best end the text?
E. It is the task of modern education to make children
Text IV
The field of medicine has not traditionally
distinguished between someone who is merely 'not ill'
and someone who is in excellent health and paying
attention to the body's special needs. Both types have
……(60) been called 'well', In recent years,…… (61). some
health practitioners …..(62) to apply the terms well and
wellness only to those people who are actively striving
to maintain and to improve their health. People who are
well are concerned with nutrition and exercise, and they
make a point of …….(63) their body's, condition - for
example, through …..(64) breast self-examinations or
blood pressure checkups. Most important, perhaps,
people who are well take active…… (65) for all matters
pertaining to their health. Even people who have a
physical disease or handicap may be 'well', in this new
sense if they make an to maintain the best possible
health they can in the face of their physical limitations.
'Wellness' may perhaps best not as a state that people
can achieve, but as an ideal that people can strive for.
B. simply
D. moreover
A. begin
C. keeping
A. regular
B. response
11.'What has the donated money been used for?'
'___ a school for the needy'.
B. Setting up
12.As my friend won the first prize for a scientific writing
competition, I sent him a card saying:'__'
A. Congratulations! I knew you could do it.
13,'Look at the beautifully carved doors of that house'.
'Well, in fact it is the house __ '.
C. in which I was born
14.He did not pass his oral examination because he was
either nervous ____
B. and did not prepare well
15.Interested in developing tourism in Indonesia,
A. the government cooperate with related education
16.'How can you determine students' ability in writing?'
'For a start, ___ a five-hundred-word essay'.
A. the students write .
17.There's nothing interesting on TV.'___'
B. Let's go to the movies then
18.'What is going to happen to the children who have
become orphans due to the tsunami disaster?
'Don't worry, they ___'.
E. will be taking care of
2.Untuk menekankan bahwa kreditur mempunyai hak
utama atas kekayaan perusahaan, maka susunan
persamaan dasar akuntansi dapat diubah sebagai
berikut ...
A. Kewajiban – Aktiva = Modal
3.Semakin terbukanya suatu industri pada perdagangan
internasional akan menyebabkan ...
C. market power semakin tinggi
4.Salah satu alasan yang menyebabkan struktur pasar
monopoli tidak efisien dari sudut pandang pengalokasian
sumber daya dalam masyarakat adalah ...
A. tidak adanya persaingan
5.Bila permintaan barang elastis maka …
E. pembeli tidak terlalu terpengaruh adanya perubahan
6.Isoquant adalah kurva yang mcnggambarkan kombinasi
dari dua macam faktor produksi yang memberikan
... yang sama pada produsen.
A. hasil
7.Bensin dan mobil merupakan barang komplementer,
yang berarti elastisitas silang antara keduanya harus ...
B. positif
8.Kalau diketahui bahwa selama suatu periode jumlah
aktiva telah bertambah dengan Rp 40.000.000,00 dan
jumlah kewajiban telah bertambah dengan Rp
18.000.000,00 selama periode itu, maka besar modal
selama periode tersebut ...
C. bertambah dengan Rp 22,000.000,00
9.Jumlah permintaan uang untuk tujuan spekulasi menurut
John Maynard Keynes ditemukan oleh ...
E. tingkat inflasi
10.Semakin bahyak suatu input variabel digunakan dalam
proses produksi, sedangkan input lainnya tetap,
berakibat ...
A. total output meningkat dengan pertambahan yang
semakin meningkat