
Kiat Sukses Menembus SPMB/ SNMPTN

Sudah menjadi fakta, bahwa setiap tahun tingkat persaingan untuk menembus SPMB/ SNMPTN semakin meningkat. Menurut saya keberhasilan seseorang tidak lagi semata-mata hanya ditentukan oleh kesiapan akademik, tapi juga faktor mental, serta strategi sangat berpengaruh.

Kenyataannya, saya banyak melihat kejadian yang harusnya tidak terjadi (tapi ya allah hu alam :)). Misalnya si A Lulus pada SPMB/ SNMPTN, sementara si B teman sekelasnya di SMA ternyata gagal. Padahal si B Lebih pintar dari si A. Mengapa hal itu bisa terjadi? Hmmm,,, (sedang berfikir memutar otak, loch? Otak kok di putar2? xixixi), kalau menurut saya sich, ada dua kemungkinan, yaitu terjadi kesalahan teknis/administratif atau salah strategi. :)

Kesalahan teknis:administartif akan berakibat fatal. Salah mengisi data berarti kalah sebelum "perang" dimulai (weleh, weleh, malu-maluin saja toh? Mudahan saya tidak termasuk gol "ITU", makanya harus diisi dengan hati-hati & benar, jangan cepat-cepat, pelan-pelan dan tepat itu baru lebih baik, hehe*). Dan yang paling penting adalah mengikuti semua petunjuk yang ada dalam buku panduan SNMPTN dan jangan percaya pada saran/ cara yang di sampaikan oleh siapapun (kalau toh memang terlanjur nyontek, ya jangan terlalu pasrah, OK!). Hehe*

Strategi adalah rencana yang cermat dan efektif mengenai kegiatan, langkah dan metode untuk mencapai sasaran (seperti orang berburu, harus punya strategi khusus supaya tembakannya tepat sasaran, iya toh? :p). Dengan demikian, strategi merupakan faktor yang dominan dalam meraih sukses.

Berikut ini, ada beberapa strategi belajar menjelang SNMPTN maupun memilih jurusan:
1. Belajar secara Efektif dan Efisien (ini sich wajib dan harus, hehe*)
Cukup banyak metode belajar secara efektif dan efisien yang sudah dikenal (mungkin, hehe*). Nah, saya mau membagi metode yang pernah saya dapatkan ketika saya mengikuti bimbingan sukses menembus SPMB.
Kita bisa menggunakan sistem SQ3R, yaitu survey (penelitian dahulu), question (membuat pertanyaan), read (membaca), Recite (mengulang), dan Review (mempelajari kembali secara menyeluruh). :)
2.Strategi memilih jurusan/PTN (penting banget nich)
Inti dari strategi memilih jurusan/PTN adalah menentukan pilihan jurusan yang tingkat persaingannya sesuai dengan kemampuan akademik siswa (contohnya saya, karena kemapuan saya itu standar, maka saya juga memilih PTN yang seimbang standarnya dengan kemampuan saya, :p).

Hmmm, demikian beberapa tips sekedarnya dari saya si "calon mahasiswi" ,,, hehe*
Semoga saja bisa bermanfaat bagi siapapun yang membacanya, dan terutama bagi calon-calon mahasiswa baru :). (termasuk juga saya , hehe* :). Keep the spirit high all :)


Lupus "The Great Imitator"

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus.First Clarification by name of lupus because red rash in cheek and around nose at many patient look like sign in wolf face.

Other clarification tell usage of word ' lupus' used former to explain disparity of husk. At century to 16 disparity of certain husk attributed to effect of wolf bite. In the year 1800, doctor name disparity of husk mentioned as ' erythematosus lupus'.

Initially this disease only considered to be disparity of ordinary husk, but in the year 1872 doctor realize that lupus do not only influencing husk but attacking body organ also. The condition by named disseminatos erythematosus lupus and first case have in documenting.

Systemic Lupus Erithematosus ( SLE) or more in recognizing Lupus represent disease of autoimun which hitting many organ ( husk, joint, kidney, lung, nerve formation center and other body organ) and give immeasurable symptom.

Lupus often conceiving of " The Great Imitator" or the excellent faker or disease a thousand face because its symptom often look like other disease.
Journey of disease of immeasurable lupus from light until weight / recurrence phase/ active/ eksaserbasi / flare with good phase / remisi.

Cause of lupus still not yet been found but some risk factor that is genetic, Hormone, and environmental Factor which estimated as cause drug, poison, sunshine and food. Lupus non is viral, germ, or bacterium and non contagion or generation..


Mengapa Anakku Harus mengidap Lupus?

This book writing by Mrs. Inni Indarpuri which her daughter hit disease of Lupus,representing real story of struggle look for medication.This referred as competent experience " terror n trial " and make proper reading as hold for us which hit same disease or inspiration to patient of other chronic disease.its true that mother love as long as epoch, big so its struggle to strive recovering her daughter.Reading this book , I get many previous knowledge I don’t know at all before read it.As well as giving inspiration for me in order not to have hopelessly with decision of Allah of SWT,therefore I recommend this book to you read. 

For more information, just direct contact with writer, because I just have few information about where can get this book. hehheheh,,,,,,,,,,,

Writer: Inni Indarpuri (081350626565)
Title: Mengapa anakku Harus Mengidap Lupus?

Symasi Dhuha Fondation

Symasi dhuha foundation was born out of gratitude for god’s unfathomable love and grace shining through a ‘disaster’ of ailment. An ailmentvis often perceived as a tragedy, but it can also transform as an extraordinary expression of god’s love and grace.
Symasi dhuha foundation form morning light to showing fresh optimism, zealous inspirations, and new hopes every morning for a better start of the a new day,,,,,,,,
Only few people know Lupus desease. To some, their direct involvement with this ailment, either as a patient or supporter, have been an experience too precious not to be told to fellow patient, doctors, nurses, or hospitals, and a wider public.

Lupus Patients go trough a dramatic change in their personal and family lives, which occasionally feel very hard to cope with. However, God the almighty Promises that we, His subjects, will not be tested beyond our capacity to bear.
Syamsi dhuha began from realizing the value of this experience. Initially Syamsi Dhuha, Through one of its programs ‘care for lupus’ seek to encourage the buddies of odapus (people living with lupus) and their families, through various activities that benefit communities beyond the lupus circle.

Symasi dhuha is moving forward to a higher salling. In line with its mission: As an Avenue of charity to attain joy in this world and beyond the earthly life’ syamsi dhuha aspires to give everyone, not just odapus, to give thanks for all the blessings god pour out upon our lives by getting involved in many activities that can benefit individuals and others.

Syamsi dhuha Fondation was established by notarial deed number 15 dated 11 october 2003 made be fore Dr. Wiratni Ahmadi, SH, Notary and has been legally validated based on the decision of the Minister of justice and Human Rights of the republic of Indonesia number C-186.HT.01.01.TH2004.


tiada waktu tersisa

Jalan masih panjang
yang harus ku tempuh
menapak menurun mendaki
tak harus mengeluh

waktu yg tersisa tiada percuma
asal ku jeli membacanya
mengeja tanda-tandanya

setiap nafas hidupku adalah karunia
tak ternilai harganya n_n